Sunday, May 13, 2007


What do your friends mean to you? Do you have different types of friends (like old school chums, coworkers, ex-coworkers, family friends)? Do you ever introduce your friends to one another? Would they get along, if all they have in common is you?

There are friends who are good listeners and those who are great for a good time and aren't interested in hearing about your troubles.

I have different sets of friends. Most are very supportive and are understanding while I'm grieving for my sister, but I can tell that others don't want to talk about how I'm coping with my sister's death.

Friends are there for you when you want to forget about your troubles or want to hear about how their life is going. I often find that my troubles are small compared to the hardships of others--like suffering with terminal cancer.

Of all the friends I have, no one can compare to the friendship I had with my younger sister. when we were growing up, I was always trying to get rid of her, but as we grew up, we became closer than ever. We told each other everything--good and bad news, gossip, current events, opinions, wishes, dreams, fears--and listened to each other when the other one had to vent.

None of my friends even come close to the friendship I had with my sister. Will I ever find a friend like her? I doubt it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. Never having lost anyone close to me, I wouldn't dream of offering up trite or well-meaning advice on replacing that special friendship. But I will say a prayer for you.

And thanks for the article on networking. I'm a shy introvert, and I've been wondering how I can better reach out to others in this field :).